Many fabrics are draped all over walls in a bazaar in Central or South Asia

Decorate Your Home with Fabric

Q: I love the idea of using more patterned fabrics as decor, but so far all I can think to make with them is curtains, pillows, or quilts. How else can I decorate with fabric around my home? I’d like to try something more interesting and unusual. A: There are many ways to add variety […]

Brightly colored and heavily patterned embroidered Indian fabric. Small round mirrors and pom-poms are also stitched onto the fabric.

Caring for Textile Arts

Q: My dad was a costume designer who loved textile arts. He collected fabrics and needlework from all over the world. I have boxes full of amazing textiles now, but some are pretty delicate. I’d love to enjoy them and put them up around my house, but I don’t want to hurt them, and could […]