Wooden lounge chairs and dining tables on patio with many palms and a cat drinking from the in-ground spa

Caring for Outdoor Furniture

Q: I’m planning to buy some good-quality wooden outdoor furniture for my deck. My neighbor’s outdoor table and chairs are looking pretty sad already, and they’re only a couple of years old. How should I go about caring for outdoor furniture so that it looks good over the long haul? A: Having a lovely outdoor […]

A close-up of pale blue, lavender, and clear antique bottles clustered together shows cloudiness and some iridescence inside the bottles. Bottles are embossed with images and names of their former contents.

Cleaning Cloudy Glass and “Sick Glass”

Q: A few of my favorite vases are cloudy below the waterline, and some have white horizontal lines. I also have a collection of antique bottles—most have patches that look like they’re coated with a white film. I’ve tried soaking them in soapy water and using bottle brushes to clean them inside. Nothing works! Can […]

15 hanging and dozens of folded examples of colorfully patterned Indonesian batik fabrics are displayed on wooden shelves

Caring for Batik and Other Deeply Dyed Fabrics

Q: On my travels, I’ve picked up some amazing hand-dyed fabrics around Asia, the Americas, Africa, and Australia. I’ve found colors and patterns outside of the US that were like nothing I’d ever seen. I want to use some of them to decorate my home. But when I prewashed them before sewing, thd lost so […]

Brightly colored and heavily patterned embroidered Indian fabric. Small round mirrors and pom-poms are also stitched onto the fabric.

Caring for Textile Arts

Q: My dad was a costume designer who loved textile arts. He collected fabrics and needlework from all over the world. I have boxes full of amazing textiles now, but some are pretty delicate. I’d love to enjoy them and put them up around my house, but I don’t want to hurt them, and could […]