A bent-wood chair sits on a hardscaped patio surrounded by planting areas, shrubs, trees, and potted plants but with no lawn.

Sustainable Landscaping and Garden Design

Q: I want to live in a way that benefits my family, the animals and pollinators around us, and the planet. I’d like to know more about sustainable landscaping. What are some simple things I can do in my garden to live in harmony with my surroundings? A: You can make significant and lasting improvements […]

A detail of a garden with boxwood trimmed in to precise, long, rectangular hedges. At rear are several fine brick houses with steep roofs, probably from the 18th century.

Great Alternatives to Boxwood in Your Garden

Q: I like the look of boxwood hedges, but mine have gotten pretty ratty. What’s worse, they have a powerful cat-pee like odor during the summer months. It’s gross, and it keeps me from wanting to have friends over in my back yard. I’m thinking of trying some other trimmable shrubs. Can you point me […]